User Guide
Report Inappropriate Messages

Report Inappropriate Messages

All chat content on Gigs is securely protected. 🔒

Gigs is committed to ensuring the highest level of privacy protection for your personal information by securely managing all chat content. Enjoy chatting without concerns about the risk of personal information leakage.


All conversation content is protected using encryption technology. This ensures that chat content is shielded from external visibility during transmission.

Access Restriction

Your chat content is viewable only by you and your conversation partner. Strict limitations on third-party access are in place to safeguard personal information. (In case of system issues or the need to investigate inappropriate messages, access may be granted with administrator authorization.)

Retention Policy

Conversation content is retained only for the necessary duration, and unnecessary information is securely deleted.

Report Inappropriate Messages

If you receive inappropriate messages and want to report them, Gigs provides a "Report" feature to protect you from such content.

When inappropriate messages are reported, they will be promptly reviewed, and actions will be taken in accordance with internal regulations. We strive to provide a safe and pleasant environment for our users.

Feel free to report any inappropriate messages to help us maintain a secure and enjoyable community. đŸ‘ĨđŸšĢ

Important Notes

  • Experts operate based on 'verified real names,' ensuring professionalism and trust.
  • If there is an attempt to induce transactions outside the Gigs platform, the system may automatically restrict usage and halt sales.
  • Strict limitations are imposed on the act of duplicating and selling work from free and paid template software.

For any other inquiries while using the Gigs service, please submit a request through the [Customer Center (opens in a new tab)]

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